Saturday, August 27, 2011

Truman Show Reflection

Although I had watched "The Truman Show" a couple times already, I couldn't help but to notice a few things I undoubtedly missed before, while watching it in class. In the beginning of the movie, there were several odd happenings such as the set light falling from the sky, unrealisticly "perfect" mornings coupled with script-like greetings, and the fact everyone was in such a joyous mood. Personally, if I had all these things happen to me, I'd suspect something fishy was going on. Maybe, perhaps, someone was playing an elaborate joke on me. Then again, over time I would think I was losing my mind--that I was going koo-koo. In fact, I'd probably do the exact same thing as Truman. Through investigation and doing the unpredictable, Truman will come to discover that he is living on a set. When he does, he will find some way to escape the life-size prison that he's in.